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DCA Root Service
DCA Root CA G1

Trusted Certificate Service TCS
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Production CA (MS)
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Reliance information
Policy Statement
Reliance Information

NL e-Infra Zero
(training services)

Legacy Cert Request Guide
Change a passphrase
RA OpsGuide
OpenSSL for Windows
eToken Guide


Privacy Policy

DutchGrid Registration Authorities

The following people have been designated as a Registration Authority for the DutchGrid Medium-Security CA. Contact details for your local RA will be printed on the application form, once you complete the online application.
Some of these agents may support identity vetting by tele-meeting (starting April 22nd, 2020). Those are indicated with "(televetting)" behind their names.

  1. Alexandre Bonvin, Faculty of Science/Chemistry, Utrecht University, Utrecht
  2. Alessandro Paolini, Stichting EGI.eu, Amsterdam
  3. Alexander Kashev, EnhanceR/Uni Bern by way of Stichting EGI.eu
  4. Baptiste Grenier, Stichting EGI.eu, Amsterdam
  5. Natalie Danezi, SURF, Amsterdam
  6. Angela Luijf, AMC Amsterdam
  7. Anke Breeuwsma, RC-RUG, Groningen
  8. Barbara van Kampen, CMBI, Nijmegen
  9. Breanndan O Nuallain, IvI/UvA, Amsterdam
  10. Coen Schijvers, SURF, Amsterdam
  11. David Groep, Nikhef, Amsterdam (Central RA) (also televetting)
  12. Dennis van Dok, Nikhef, Amsterdam (Roving RA) (also televetting)
  13. Dick Epema, TU Delft, Delft
  14. Frans Velthuis, RC-RUG, Groningen
  15. Hanno Holties, ASTRON, Dwingelo
  16. Harm Nijveen, WUR, Wageningen
  17. Henk Mos, Buys Ballot Laboratorium, Utrecht
  18. Henri Vrooman, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
  19. Hopke Meijering, RC-RUG, Groningen
  20. J.F. Azier, LUMC, Leiden
  21. John Romein, ASTRON, Dwingelo
  22. Kees Verstoep, VU, Amsterdam
  23. Kornelis Stol, KeyGene, Wageningen
  24. Maarten Kooymans, Oyat Consulting, Amsterdam
  25. Machiel Jansen, SURF, Amsterdam (Roving RA)
  26. Mark Somers, Leiden Institute of Chemistry (Faculty of Science), Leiden
  27. Martiniano Brito, DANS/KNAW, Den Haag
  28. Matto Fransen, RC-RUG, Groningen
  29. Michele Huijberts, LUMC-LKEB, Leiden
  30. Niek Bosch, SURF, Amsterdam
  31. Peter Michielse, SURF, Amsterdam
  32. Robert Belleman, IvI/UvA, Amsterdam
  33. Ronald van Driel, PHICOS, Philips Research, Eindhoven
  34. Ron Trompert, SURF, Amsterdam
  35. Salim Ansari, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk
  36. Wim Rijks, SURF, Amsterdam
  37. Wouter den Otter, TNW/TU Twente, Enschede

CA Administrative Staff and Operators

The following people are responsible for the Operations of the DutchGrid CA. You can reach them via the generic email address ca@dutchgrid.nl.
  • David Groep (primary CA manager)
  • Dennis van Dok (alternate CA manager)